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Some more additional benefits from Trauma Healing

  • new neuropathways are woven.

  • mind body connections becomes alive and visceral.

  • reclaiming instincts.

  • trust in one's ability to self protect.

  • hypervigilance abates.

  • disassociation decreases.

  • boundaries are relearnt.

  • enlivened emotional responses.

  • balance between parasympathetic  and sympathetic nervous systems.

  • increased ability to integrate.

  • resilience surfaces.

  • choice emerges.

  • capacity increases.

Intention as a Precursor to Clearing Mind BodyTrauma

Dr.Peter Levine’s research indicates that trauma in humans is long lasting unless given its due attention through the body. We lack the good fortune of animals who have the resounding capacity to bounce back, shake off the excess energy and proceed anew in the moment after a life threatening chase. For humans, they discover this treatment  either inadvertently, as a referral,  or through self care. I often wonder how it was for the primordial man who might have had better success or not than its progeny. The evolution of the human brain is known to not have changed in a few million years so they too must have been dealing with trauma in various ways. At best this remains a speculation.

There are two types of definition to this process of cleansing trauma.  One is more psychological and somatic, the other is spiritual. The formal does not necessarily encompass the latter but the latter does encompass the former and moves beyond all thresholds to live life as an open flow.

Self care assumes intention. And as basic as intention might be,  it is not addressed by mainstream media, schools, or is a focus of any society. It is on the basis of intention that all life’s trajectory unfolds. The question is how conscious or unconscious this might indeed be.  What is the underpinning of an individual’s vision for their life? Clearing trauma allows better functioning and a healthier adaption to what was.  The fact that we take the trouble to do something about this, points to an intention, be it conscious or not. 

Clearing trauma does not necessarily allow for life to be felt as a flow of experience. This level of integration happens through intention and effort. This is the task of the spirit in us.

It is this work that helps us clear even all ongoing minor irritations to major traumas to first heal and resolve and then integrate and live life openly. And it requires work and sitting through the fire of our own issues and not living in denial nor under the layers of defense systems and the unconscious. It is the holding onto this vision and the intention that motivates us to wake up and face our life with courage and resolve.

What prevents this from happening? The lack of knowledge perhaps that clearing is even is possible and the social layers that define life to be in need of something other than the mainstream social conditioning of being asleep.  To always compete, acquire, indulge in one's greed and power,  the unsaid message of each of us not being enough, ego, hatred, and delusion are the prevalent social modus operandi.  And with this build-up comes a fear of seeing openness as a sign of weakness and being vulnerable.

The model is to show control and so have power.  Power is expected to be strong, somewhat brute, and ruthless as well as be above emotion.  In short, the power paradigm does not allow for any type of spiritual processing.

Personal power needs to be differentiated here from just the need for power. These are two different paradigms. Power alone is just a push through to assume control, get what one wants even at the cost of others, has no insight into one's own dynamics and reactivity can be manipulative, lacks an understanding of differentiated responses to situations, and has narcissism at its core.  Personal power comes through reflection, clearing inner knots, resting in one's strengths and vulnerabilities, and knowing one's place in the scheme of things. It is a position of inner equipoise acquired through hard work. However personal power is not the end of the process of integration and spiritual evolution. This still requires a vision and ongoing work to allow for the dissolution of all impediments with skill.

Trauma, as mentioned, can however be cleared through somatic and psychological work.

And integration and spiritual evolution are not for all beings. If it was, life would be met with the power of self- discipline, self- compassion, keeping the heart space open at all costs as well as cultivating deep care for all life.  It is hard work bringing freedom at each step and enlivening us to live in the present. And the fact that this is even possible is a hurrah!!!

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